Thursday, October 02, 2014

Change of Scenery PT.7 (Not Up In The Spot)

 It's going down after jumping and recognizing!!   I had to change the game up. 

I had to change the scenery; I might shut it down per Public Enemy or even Burn Hollywood Burn;  and turn the flame up. 

It's all game up in this piece!!  but I'm at peace even though there's no justice and peace!! I'm not trying to burn any bridges. 

Acting the same up in this piece and that piece!!  any revelations? any tools used?  doing the knowledge is

Acting the same up in this and that piece? any fools used? of course they were!! but per Simon and Garfunkel bridges over troubled waters are built when we put it down like this. 

Unlike North Korea building tunnels to South Korea!! I see ya if your running the right route!! Teddy Bridgewater type passes are thrown after we find out what the deal is!

Check out the rest of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Change of Scenery PT.7 (Not Up In The Spot)

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