Sunday, April 05, 2015

Resurrection / Insurrection

*Moving Straight Ahead* per this Resurrection Sunday;  check this out!! we're on a Rendezvous With Destiny..

Some were misled, waiting in the dark, but we started an insurrection even though Pope Francis prayed for peace!!  this *Forensic Team*  uses Forensic Rhetoric plus we get breakbeat scientific,  as we rebuke the blasphemy..

Out In The Mainstream Of Mathematics?  some are passing me like it's a race..

But I'm in chill mode, still waiting on the truth to be told,  moving at my own pace..

*Out There; Outside The Box*  fueled by the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Libra; you heard me?

Out there where hustle knocks are dominant; like Kentucky fans tearing things up after their team lost some said the game played is like hustling backwards; who'll work with me?

Those who've never heard of me? I'm OMANXL1 aka O-Zone aka Brother O......

What It Do / What It Does? please!!  the economy makes us all go for what we know..

Some haven't *Stopped Hatin*  like Al Shabab in Kenya; what do they know? all I hear is belligerence...

Some haven't stopped debating; what it do? a pretender was revealing Ecological Ignorance...

Where they at? like Boost Mobile commercials; skating on thin ice in Alaska?

Where they at? ask them a question; please!!  you won't get the right answer..

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