Sunday, January 06, 2013

2013 / Just Trying To Maintain! The Saga /Struggle Continues

As we proceed and continue!! were on a pretty good run or roll!! so were trying to maintain!

Actually exceeding expectations is the plan!! like the unemployment rate down to 7.8 per cent...but there is a lot were still trying to gain!

 Whatcha need? can you stand the rain per New Edition? that was the question! 

True indeed!! its more like the mass hysteria in Syria with Assad;  can you stand the reign of horror and terror!

Plenty of horror stories on Terra Firma!!  coinciding with my deeply held personal philosophies!

Hostile territories were like the India / Pakistan border...they have me on the offensive and defensive!!  rolling with KRS-1 Boogie Down Productions type "my philosophies"

....Hot styles used to tell these stories, but naysayers say its a hot mess! 

Just call me the hot messenger!!  doing my; or maybe like the Lochness! 

Stop this!! abort operations I was told!! it was Sen. Chuck Hagel type of opposition....what was my position? the apparatus will use the domain awareness system to find us! 

Stop this!!  I want to tell gas companies / corporations ..its hard to maintain when the system nickels and dimes us! 

Check this Louisville / Newburg representative...I grew up where the crime was business as usual! 

Just trying to maintain...I spent most of my time fighting to do that!!  but Tom Jones said to be loved by someone is not unusual! 

Carlton on Fresh Prince will dance to it....act like you knew it!! meanwhile O-Zone is rolling!!  the sword of truth is carried; business is conducted local, international, and even intergalactic! 

Multi dimensional with this!!  check a bruh just trying to maintain;  not acting irrational...wise to the set up implemented by a fanatic!

Check Out The Just Trying To Maintain Mix pt..3

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