Thursday, November 10, 2011

Full Moon Madness..The November Edition

Dealing with the full moon madness....we're back with this...check out the November edition!

The saga / struggle continues; what...your not knowing? now what? like Joe Paterno your consulting an attorney.. you didn't remember it's the Lord you'll have to petition!

Lord help!! Lord help!! that's the battle cry...please believe me!! it seems Rick Perry needed to call on him...just like Herman should be heard during these ongoing battles!

..whose stuck..hurting; in pain?..caught in a moment of we go for it..cruising down I-20 in the hooptie; the 808 makes the trunk rattles! 

....some still show hate..a snitch tattles; like Ashton Kutcher on Twitter they run off at the mouth...will the truth be told? meanwhile I was building with the prophetess! 

What's up with ya? they ask a bruh..I'm Dedicated to the Truth; so no sales pitch was heard..just confirmation that God is in the blessing business! 

Were rich! were rich! like dude told Kevin the goat on the Georgia Lottery commercial..who'll work with a bruh? I was provided with enough weaponry to deal with the full moon madness! 

Life is a bitch!! its easy to get Caught Up..even Miles Davis mentioned the Bitches Brew so we act like we knew when we came back with this!

The drama goes down..those bitches knew they weren't Immortals but they still went in!!..said something about going in getting it in...

The drama goes down..Immortal Technique mentioned a Civil War..
during this full moon madness who knows how the sport will go? is history repeating?

Pain and misery from an entity defeating itself? like Rick Perry losing credibility? 

Pain and misery continues at Occupy Oakland...meanwhile in Atlanta they still try to get open...full moon madness is still in affect for those asking..what's the deally?

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