Thursday, April 12, 2012

Winds Of Change Were Blowing « Whats Really Going On?

The winds of change are blowing as I write this…its around the same time as the New Moon in Aries!

Cameo mentioned Shes Strange and they liked it!!  but in love or war whose fair with these?

Its not just these Babylonians…the Philistines and Pharisses plot and some are waiting for answers! 

Was George Zimmerman near? ….feeling the negative energy on these scenes…whats was heard or seen? spotted the devil waiting on dancers!

Whose benevolent?  next thing you know..were caught out in it… soon finding what the deal will be from Cancers, Aries, or even Virgos!

Whats the deal?  some are knocked off balance during the Age of Aquarius ….bearing witness to what vertigo is!

.....check out the rest at  Winds Of Change Were Blowing « Whats Really Going On?

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