Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Staff Meeting / The Sonic Assault Edition

Spotted players at the staff meeting; like Republicans auditioning for the vice president candidacy..funky fresh in the they discussed the latest business! 

A lot of polyester suits; plus Caddies and Dodge Chargers were parked in the should know what the deal is! 

A lot of folk were bilked by gamblers out for a fast buck; as jokers play around with the Euro...some folk had to get out of Dodge!! charge it to the game was the knowledge kicked by parking lot pimpers! 

Tina Turner said we didn't need another hero...but at the staff meeting ramblers off at the mouth were talking loud and saying nothing!! word from James Brown...jokers were showing how simple their mind is! 

Reciting Vampire Diaries....haters damned us if we did or didn't!! even said we were zeros...all up in the staff meeting fronting on brothas!

Clearance rack epiphanies are some jammed with us; the O-Dog Podcast was jumping!! please!!  your dealing with funky type of soul brothas! 

While others attended the staff meeting spreading gossip, lies, and innuendo! 

They were even talking about shutting down FAMU's band!! meanwhile brothas like me blended the brand new funk; plus dropped this math...we didn't quit or stop it; intoxicating like Cali kush or indo! 

Jokers were in the staff meeting acting like they don't they didn't were shaking the earth like earthquakes in Indonesia! 

Whose faking it? all up in the staff meeting....whats it all worth? due to the information overload some forget history is repeating due to dementia or amnesia!

Whose breaking it..the beat? O-Dizzle is getting busy...

Whose staking a claim to it..freedom? even if plans fizzle...but ignoring jokers at the staff meeting....O-Zone is staying busy...

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