Saturday, September 01, 2012

On To Plan B After Dealing With Glitches In The Matrix

They had me saying damn!! whats really going on? like my other blog ....were still dealing with glitches in the matrix! 

Some blame it on Hurricane Romney they act surprised about it..the response? O-Dizzle will take a beat and break it..

...Heard the lies about it...some were Eastwooding...left the East side..back in the hood again...the landscape was dominant with snitches that fake it! in these danger zones that vibe was prominent

Some were wet and dry snitching to make it like Steve Harvey and Michael Baisden;  or even like Sean Hannity and Herman Cain; now check out the dangerous clones influenced by a media pundit!!

Peeping game...seeing what the angle is...watching these jokers trying to run it; I'm sick of the fake it until you make it policy! 

Some were sleeping in the on to Plan B...strange is how she was....but they liked it per Cameo; whatcha know?  that was the deally! 

Strange is how circumstances are..they're debatable; we wonder if were being built or torn down! 

Strange is how circumstances are..hated on like Obama by the right wing jokers that didn't turn the level of scorn down! 

Its going down!! but glitches in the matrix make you wonder if your doing the right thing like Spike Lee!

Now were on to Plan B...but snitches that fake it will have you waiting in the dark; not where the light will be!

The Northern Lights due to the G2 geo magnetic storm will expose them...

Jokers were on to Plan breaking north trying to getaway..high off of K2 or Spice..."it ain't nothing nice" ..during the ongoing storm caused by glitches in the matrix? they find out the devil will oppose them...

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