Wednesday, December 04, 2013

It All Comes Together

There’s spiritual significance in this operation!! I starting typing this at 9:10 on 11-12-13! 

Rites and rituals are performed by habituals!! like no peace in the Middle East per Hezbollah vs Israel…some know the deal even though others are  hyping it up!!  but everything isn’t working! 

Everybody wonders how we work this thing!! whats the deal!! damn!!  breakbeat science is usually dropped.. usually? jokers  aren’t checking for me! 

Wonders of the universe were explored like we were Space X!!  beholding the beauty!!  but things can get ugly per the Call Of Duty!!  capers are pulled!! now whose wrecking the getaway vehicle for me? 

Some are wishing it was simple but its the end of the day?  soon realizing that whats for me is for me !! per the Miami Mass Choir…my vision might not match another’s! 

It all comes together!! check this breakbeat science dropped by these brothas!

 Check out the rest of this article at..It All Comes Together | Whats Really Going On?

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