Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The I-20 Chronicles / Circling The Block In The Hooptie on Humpday

The mothership has landed!! now like the Chinese Moon Rover the Jade Rabbit the ATV rolls out of the side chute! 

A brotha gets scientific even when dipping down I-20 in over in Decatur circling the block in the hooptie listening to George Benson play White Rabbit!!...usually found where the truth will be!! others said its about the loot!

A fanatic tried to stay cute!! oh yeah!! the ATL is full of wannabe macks and divas! 

A mathematical equation will trip them up..they didn't give a hoot!  I couldn't flow with the non believers! 

Back with it sis and bruh!! rolling down I-20...check the occasion;  like investigators at the train wreck in NYC ..under achievers still didn't know what time it was! 

Morris Day and Flavor Flav  tried to school some!! but these jokers misbehave!! some are showing you what crime was!

I circled the block in the hooptie;  but its like Hezbollah vs Israel in front, to the side, and behind us was so called authority figures! 

I had work to do like Isleys..but stormtroopers plus the thought and fashion police protect the territory so corporations can maintain positive figures! 

...During the ongoing storm O-Dizzle will loop those funky beats while O-Zone figures the cipher out!

 We were able to solve the riddle!! all up the the danger zone?  were going all out! 

....had my doubts about this mission;  over on Glenwood Rd in Decatur stuck behind the green "Stankin Lankin" aka old school Lincoln Continental with the too blessed to be stressed vanity license plate! 

I had my doubts about this impression;  I've seen those jokers in action stressing and causing problems for the next person...rolling like Republicans like they had a license to hate! 

On thin ice they skate and its affected by global warming! 

Meanwhile we circle the block in the hooptie..usually found where the truth will be!! soon spanning the globe brain storming!

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