Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Public Transportation / Transformation

 It's like we're on a bus ride; Greyhound? MegaBus? MARTA? who's smarter?  we're not rolling down I-95 with product..

Good and evil collide like Michael Slager and Walter "Lamar" Scott in North Charleston, SC;  who will follow the rules of conduct?

From I-20 in Atlanta to I-26 in Charleston we continue to ride for freedom; I tried to conduct myself in an orderly fashion; but what's it all worth?

From Obama in DC, to NYC to Ferguson a brotha is disrespected in every form or fashion while on this earth..

Drama is introduced by the thought and fashion police!! I'm not in the latest fashion!!  no skinny jeans!! I'm working things out in  baggy Roca-Wear; Nautica polo; plus I've got my Vans on....

Check the public transformation of this salt of the earth; oh I studied my history!!  it's the shoulders of giants a brotha stands on... 

Check out the rest of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Public Transportation / Transformation

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