Sunday, June 07, 2015

I Found The Combination

 I mentioned tampering with the locks in previous episodes, and I found the combination; but it's considered Hazardous Material by those that are hating!! it's basically a by product from contemplating The Dark Mystery Of Time and Space..

Similar to tampering with / hacking government websites like China? naw man!! hackers even jacked my site for a minute!! basically, this is cosmic debris / cosmic slop; raw material is gathered from all over the place..

One man's trash is one man's treasure!! meanwhile this breakbeat scientist will take measures to survive perfect storms in space that can wreak havoc on earth; they'll combine with perfect storms created by man..

Look at the weather map; what it do? we still deal with inclement weather from ISIS in Iraq  to drama in Afghanistan and Pakistan..

Who can really understand how folks feel in The Strip? I'm not talking about Strokers or Magic City even though I'm in the A-Town...

I'm talking about the Gaza Strip currently under bombardment; please!! from Ferguson to Baltimore we're in the heart of it!! it's tight in these hoods!! who will stay down?

Check out the rest of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: I Found The Combination

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