Thursday, October 08, 2015

Blue Collar : Hard Word Is Put In PT.4

Built in the image of the Creator;  so I govern myself accordingly.

Building; blue collar / mechanical engineering is going down!! 
ignoring a hater trying to tell me where the border is.

Building: the four track recorder will be banging!!  rebuking attacks like Doctors Without Borders out in Kunduz in Afghanistan so what’s up man? this is the rebuttal.

Similar to the Large Hadron Collider with the Big Bang Theory?  what will a brotha do?

Intergalactic Freedom Rider just trying to get back home!!  Rupert Murdoch types were looking for a real black president per Ben Carson?

We rebuke the chokehold / strangling by the establishment trying to crush this embellishment / what a brotha’s trying to do; it’s like Tulsa Oklahoma / Black Wall Street / arson..

Check out the rest of this article at Blue Collar : Hard Word Is Put In PT.4 | Whats Really Going On?

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