Sunday, October 04, 2015

Sunday / But It's Another Day At The Office

Damn! Damn! Damn! like Florida Evans from Good Times!! so what's up? I'm at the point I didn't want to reach.

A brotha is Going in / now in it now, up to our necks!! but damn!! I'm ready to turn around; from I-10 in Jacksonville Florida to I-20 in Atlanta tires screech.

Going in:  tired of preaching to the choir plus the deacons were asleep!! I took the robe off, through the Babylon Forest / Wilderness I creep!!  word from this brotha from another planet, was it Mars? women supposedly from Venus?  word from this intergalactic man of the cloth.

I was out on Mars sipping a glass of water!!  it was flowing like floods in Charleston per Hurricane Joaquin!!  so what's up man? what's the deal with this?  I'm back on earth putting a hurting on them!! I'm cut from a different cloth.

Retribution for the Charleston church shooting? I wasn't trying to be cute up in this thing!! In the lab?  I cook a different broth / a different elixir; The problem? I'll fix for ya.

The O-Dog Podcast is blasting,  bringing The Sonic Assault; what it do? I've got the weather forecast for ya.

A blast from the past plus a peep into the future; plus I'm currently observing the scene like I was reading the TelePrompter..

Praying and fasting per this Sunday Morning that's not Easy per the Commodores? haters come through these doors like Chris Mercer in Oregon so what's up son?  the devil is a liar / who's coming for ya? 

Hospitals get blasted in Afghanistan over by Kunduz; Doctors Without Borders or a Taliban stronghold? 

Hospital Records blasted the London Elektricity mini mix, meanwhile a University of Louisville basketball player tricks; was the truth told?  

Hospital visits after reaching the threshold? damn!!! it's rough out here...

Please!! it's just another day at the office, we're out here on the frontlines of spiritual warfare...

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