Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Electronic Thoughts Transfer PT.8 (Intergalactic With It)

  It's going down!! check out these electronic thoughts transferred down the information highway...

Sun Ra said Space Is The Place as we roll through cyberspace on bon voyage business in the mothership on more days than Monday...

Sonic Assault?  Random Thoughts?  /  O-Dog Podcast?  rebuking cyber-espionage like China  in spiritual warfare with those weapons:  were all up on it.

Hell was caught per Natalie Cole singing about it: we're bumping heads with the evil opponent..

How did we roll?  like ISIS vs Russia we're fighting those who are part of the conspiracy;  this is business as usual.

How did we roll?  I felt the pressure but I'm not letting it get to me; transferring these thoughts electronically is part of the therapy!! but that's not unusual.

Check out the rest of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Electronic Thoughts Transfer PT.8 (Intergalactic With It)

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