Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Conquest (Part Nine)

 On this Sunday morning we’re claiming the victory, check out the Conquest!

Knowing how some will play, naysayers gaming on us claiming we’re cons on a quest. 

Mad because we’re blessed and highly favored per the Clark Sisters..

Mad because even though they stressed us we’re dropping this breakbeat science on my brothers and sisters!

Exclusive! as we Proceed and continue we know somebody is gonna dig this..

..brazen attempt to show love check the menu per this good word and the sound as we try to encourage amongst the fading ripples these dangerous waters; check the Beats dropped along with these words that are scintillating! Rebuking the Perilous Parliament, aka GOP senators who acquitted Trump ; they’re still hating!

Marks / gullible ones will motivate evil ones! it’s like Trump speaking at the CPAC; zest shown when back on the scene? To collect contributions? he looking at them like food, succulent morsels? mouth watering when on the scene! What’s up with it? check out the Conquest, but there’s no pity from the street committee! We already knew how he would act per the insurrection so we’re ignoring the whimper that led to tears; but not ignoring what we see!

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