Saturday, April 01, 2023

I Guess It’s The Times We’re Living In (Part Seven)

 I think I mentioned before if it's not one thing or another, I  guess it's the times we're living in!

Storms blow into our lives like the ones hitting up the Atlanta metro area on this Saturday morning! 

But we'll keep it moving showing and proving welcoming the month of April! we're part of that procession that's moving forward. 

Not moving backwards, like plans by MAGA Republicans that's not how it works; some called April fools on this April Fools Day, Trump they continued to pay? please! we're moving forward!

That's not how it works! we peeped game / recognized the pattern so we played it like all possibilities exist. 

Left the edge of wasted time  / waiting in the dark with a withered existence!

Others stayed, I guess it's the times we're living in with some giving in but we proceed and continue to show persistence!

Brothas played this hand we were dealt by the system aka gamblers out for a fast buck, but working it out like Willie Hutch!  my constituents know what the deal is!

Oceanic! those supposedly deep will creep! I guess it's the times we're living in! that trickster knew how to weave words within waves. 

Diplomatic? compromise with them? soon told to let it go like a Teddy Pendergrass Love T.K.O. ! told to  forgive that fallen angel who misbehaved.

How will some live? while trying to survive its easy to get distracted,  soon enslaved by that behavior. 

I guess it's the times we're living in, soon subject to the authority? well damn!!  what can save you? 

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