Friday, May 31, 2024

Defected Radio Show Hosted By Sam Divine - 31.05.24

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we handle this Fabulous Friday  / Flashback Friday business!

The saga  / struggle continues as we also handle this breakbeat scientific business doing our due diligence!

Dropping these sounds plus I tried to pulchrify this good word  / these poems but I  had to admit it didn't work.

They came out snarled during the process, affected by Earth Wind and Fire Ways Of The World  / madness;  some nasty work.

Our breakbeat scientific  intricate plan went sideways, damn!! it turned into a nightmare. 

Plus gas was thrown onto the fire by wannabe arsonists . those out here  not playing fair.

But we'll proceed and continue to take it there, coming through with this Defected Radio Show Hosted By Sam Divine - 31.05.24!

We'll proceed and continue to take it there! check out the playlist and the mix to see what's up / check the score!

Check this out at Defected Radio Show Hosted By Sam Divine - 31.05.24

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