Saturday, May 25, 2024

Funky Disco " Choice" by Philgood 5336 Mix

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party that might have Saturday Night Fever implications due to the time frame!

We're coming through on this Memorial Day Holiday Weekend so many our constituents are feeling some kind of way rebuking the ongoing mind games!

We're coming through letting the music take our minds so we can get them right taking the pressure off the 20 / 20 hindsight!

Oh yeah, we felt the pressure but we're letting it go like Frozen as the Brotha O-Zone is playing it like Frozone check the insight!

Oh yeah, once again it's on alright? now check us out as we come through with this Funky Disco " Choice" Philgood 5336 Mix!

Check out the playlist and the mix as we proceed and continue to get breakbeat scientific! 

Check this out at  Funky Disco Choice By Philgood 5336

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