Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Its Time For Transition (Circulating) Part Three

 Check us out as we proceed and continue on this so called Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We're keeping it moving even though we had to sacrifice; it's time for transition, catch us circulating on local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers this is how we'll play!

The  Brotha O? he's way way out there! mothership? it was beneath the moon, but he hit the green button then turbo kicks in! needless to say? now I'm out there!

What's up with it? Brotha O is a space age dude with a funky attitude influenced by extraterrestrials who are out there!

Out there! they told me how the funk should go now I go for what I know, checked the flow; spotted the Jupiter / Venus conjunction...

...soon connecting to Pluto in Aquarius;  Brotha O couldn't lie, spotted jokers acting nefarious; space is the place per Sun Ra  and even the Jonzun Crew so what it do? I was away from earth and all of its dysfunction!

Circulating, in transition and on a mission even though thought and fashion police will try to regulate even using algorithms!

Circulating, in transition and on a mission dropping this good word and funky rhythms!

Circulating, in transition and on a mission! a tortured artist / poet just acting like I know it? 

Cueing up a funky instrumental or pouring another drink of blue ink on the sheet.

Nothing detrimental is dropped! bring me your cup; drink! soon intoxicated? you might show it!

If not? feel free to drink more /  feel free to think more! we're in transition aka circulating dropping this unconventional wisdom that's hard to defeat.

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