Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Its Time For Transition (Circulating) Part Six

 Check us out as we proceed and continue to get over the hump per this HumpDay Extravaganza; it's time for transition.

We're broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta but through local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers we're circulating!

But opposition is met out here and it was expected from internal and external forces /sources; even shameless dreams creeped over into reality.

Check the season, there's two sides to the game like Gemini as shameless teams don't sleep, foul is how they'll be!

They lied, we were waiting but there are no answers for the mysteries of tomorrow!

Plus some cried even sang like Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga saying now is Shallow!

It's time for transition, we're Stepping Into Tomorrow like Donald Byrd, catch us out here circulating!

It's time for transition might even have to use public transportation  / transformation to rebuke the ongoing hating!

Some are relating, homie was even all up in the spot hating! he's devious even out here rocking sunglasses after dark...

...hiding his eyes, profanity heard when talking, a con man but actually a dog with no bite but plenty of bark.

Authorities heard he's out here doing what he does even though like Trump and the Hunter Biden conviction the narrative will change; they're supposedly in transition but that he had time. They tracked him, previous episodes had him out here circulating creating chaos and mayhem so they knew he would commit a crime.

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