Thursday, June 27, 2024

Some Wonder What The Deal Is (Part Six)

 Inquiring minds were out here tripping, some were wondering what the deal is?

Some minds were tripping like Boy George mentioned, back in the day / Throwback Thursday episodes taunted them, reality letting them know what the real is.

Brotha O was even flipping out  / tripping out; you can catch me analyzing this and that myth while out there stargazing.

Some wonder what the deal is but Brotha O is showing gratitude on this Thankful Thursday, it's a blessing to be here! poetry is now written, a form of self expression.. Brotha O will use this good word plus digital crate digging continues as the sound is used as a weapon against stressing due to a heart broken.

Going for what we know, now dedicated; focused, out here fulfilling promises unspoken.

Beats were broken and transformed by O-Dog while out there in the smoke and mirrors  / fog for those wondering what the deal is!

Now we go for broke, in transition; out here circulating on local / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers; somebody will feel this!

But some still wonder what the deal is as that Reverend used draconian methods to emphasize the relevant.

Concentration? he was focused even though some of his doctrine was bogus; he even told us about the revenant.

Consternation? it was evident as some wonder what the deal is due to the ongoing confusion!

Situations / circumstances debatable; being built or torn, out here winning or  losing? 

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