Sunday, July 14, 2024

Some Wonder What The Deal Is (Part Nine)

 It's going down like this and like that! so many of our constituents wonder what the deal is!

It's out of control! ear shattering gunshots exploded from Atlanta to Pennsylvania where jokers like Thomas Matthew Crooks  even fired at Trump but some wonder what the real is!

Some play us like we're some kind of crooks, they wonder what the skill is!  they see us setting up shop even in these attack zones!

O-Dog is the sound curator while this good word comes from his alter ego O-Zone!

Brotha O is not an altered Negro up in this zone like so called Blacks For Trump!

Brotha O? oh! he's just a breakbeat scientist all up in this zone with this good word and beats that bump!

For those wondering what the deal is? we're still trying to get over the hump like it's the HumpDay Extravaganza!

For those wondering what the deal is? we're still broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta!

I'm clocking in, dropping this good word! once again its on, the nightshift wordsmith is back.

Prior episodes and modes have made me humble / modest but also modish, keeping up with that and this with the knack.

Previously waiting in total darkness with others but I had a flashlight and an atlas; soon I was blessed, out here gathering grace.

Some wonder what the deal is; we're sparkling the flame with these words, accompanied by this sound as digital crate digging continues providing energy for the ongoing  race.

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