Sunday Jazz Continues as we proceed and continue Sunday Jazzing / O-Dog Day Partying!
The saga / struggle continues but we're staying strong with supreme courage and maximum strength while we’re up in this thing!
Plus we're doing the damn thing / we're playing it like this in the midst of the ongoing madness rebuking those playing the Truth Game!
We were wise to the whole set up, an information overload was used many were left deceived / confused; it was all game..
..then jokers changed the rules even Aretha Franklin spotted the chain of fools but Brotha O is not fooling with them and those!
Jokers were mentioned by Pops back in the day plus the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville told us the devil will oppose!
Brotha O? composing this good word to accompany this sound courtesy of beyond72 with there HOUSE elements | Deep Soulful Fix | JAN 26, 25
Check out the playlist and the mix to see what's up / what it do; it's all the way live!
Check this out at HOUSE elements | Deep Soulful Fix | JAN 26, 25
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