Sunday, January 19, 2025

We're Playing It Like This (Part Seven)

 We're playing it like this on a Sunday morning, dropping this good word plus Sunday Jazz will be heard later on.

The saga  / struggle continues as life goes on as the toil and strife goes on but it's a blessing to be here you heard? once again its on!

Once again it's on as we play it like this but opposition is expected; we're going through this process, acting like we know the best medicine for the occasion? 

Go along to get along selling out or buying in like the Brooklyn Funk Essentials mentioned like those bowing down to Trump? any answers? some are waiting but others will neither confirm nor deny like a politician.. 

..or they'll straight up and down lie like nominees for positions in the Trump administration; investigators search for truth but they'll exhaust all means..

..or they'll fake the funk like Merrick Garland, weak not able to survive at Victory Park at 22nd and Garland up in Louisville so what's the deal? please! nobody drunk the truth serum out in those scenes.

We're playing it like this peeping game  / observing the scene  / doing the knowledge jumping to conclusions at the end of the day!

We're praying about this and that, Lord Help is the battle cry that's how we'll have to play.. we see how others are trying to play, actually they're just looking for a day without rain..

..or without the reign, not just the liquid form falling from skies that are overcast.

Plus they're tired of the portal vortex, oh yes the temperature is rising due to global warming but its still a cold world! they're knocking on hope, that door for an end to the pain..

..due to tension rising  / building; we're all playing it like this, even though it got lonely out there we kept on running dealing with the madness hoping it won't last.

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