Friday, November 02, 2012

Dipping and Diving…But There’s No Where To Run Or Hide

So what’s the deal?  the mothership has landed back on earth…didn’t take pictures of ourselves like the Mars Rover…but the game is not over….were at the point of no return;  there was no going back!

So whats the deal? peeps are struggling on Staten Island after Superstorm Sandy…somebody might understand me when I tell them there was nowhere to run or hide; but  devils were told to “go on with that”

They were geeked up…somebody said they were “wilding ” ….told to “go on with your bad selves”  now check out the by-product!

Jokers were talking the other way like WSB radio does Pres. Obama ….or other media pundits…now whose caught up in the drama? people even question my conduct!

Broken beats and English are the essence of this discipline….scientific with it;  as I conduct myself in an orderly fashion!

Dedicated to the truth…that’s whats spoken…still low profile / low-key with it …sometimes it seems I’m standing alone against the world….too much attention drawn when in the limelight basking!

Check out the rest of this post at.............

Dipping and Diving…But There’s No Where To Run Or Hide « Whats Really Going On?

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