Friday, November 02, 2012

The Process Is Ongoing / Once Again Its On

The process is ongoing....whatcha knowing? the saga / struggle continues..word to the peeps affected by Superstorm Sandy...I had to tell baby bruh..once again its on!

A brotha continues to put work in...its part of a bigger plan..its not the norm but maybe somebody will understand me...I might even have to build me a clone! 

A brotha puts work in!! the process is ongoing like elections.. but in other sections jokers are snitching!!  then pictures are taken by a drone like Iran's;  then transmitted back to the database!

...From the CIA to Israel....whats up man? its real in these danger zones!! man!!  some are clocked like Mexican drug cartels due to the dollars they chase! 

Hustles get knocked!!  for a thug? its not hard to fail...cell phones and land lines are tapped; recorded even if you erased it!

Hustles get knocked!!  land mines were its like Iraq or Afghanistan..or even Pakistan...improvised explosive devices are out there...especially if you saw a star or rainbow and then chased it!

So called players in the ATL were having an identity crisis..they chased it; they were guarding honeys like Kevin Costner did Whitney Houston! 

O-Zone never raced it like the clock; please!! we were already paying the we knew the cost....that would be a problem like Houston! 

Once again its on!!  starting over like James Harden in Houston as we put it down like this! 

Once Again its on!!  as I drop this good word..O-Dizzle will put the sound down like this!

Once again its on!! check the intelligent design...getting scientific is the Essence of this discipline..

The process is ongoing..putting work in..we can't be'll get caught up in the system /'ll be through dealing!! 

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