Thursday, October 25, 2018

The I-20 Chronicles (The OctoberFest Edition) PT. 8

Still rolling down I-20 in Atlanta, taking a break from bubble wrapping products to protect them from damage.

OctoberFest? we're doubling down but the stress will double!! similar to pipe bombs mailed to Democrats, even Robert DiNiro!! authorities soon trapping one who conducts shady business?  plus you can expect collateral damage. 

Still rolling down I-20 in Atlanta!! Hubble Telescopic type vision utilized when peeping game!! not trying to be a hero, it ain't my fault like Silkk The Shocker!!  featuring Mystikal per Throwback Thursday business! damn it!!  you'll catch a contact from somebody else's drama. 

Karmic repercussions per the smoking sessions?  guilt by association? hysterical after being caught up in somebody else's drama? 

Still rolling down I-20 in Atlanta!! smoking or non-smoking section? I was told to confirm my registration,  but I wasn't trying to get caught up in an unpleasant situation.

 OctoberFest sessions go down in conjunction with Scorpio Season? eight year anniversary  of What's Really Going On? that's my  satellite station check the occasion as the world turns like soap operas,  meanwhile I ignore the shady legislation. 

Jokers are shady like Mitch McConnell!!  Mitchy Slick?  but not to be confused with the rapper / spitter. 

McConnell was confronted up in Louisville where they know the deal from previous experiences;  constituents left bitter.

 Who fell when blows were thrown per Louisville representative Rajon Rondo,  a spitter while talking to Chris Paul? what's up y'all? meanwhile this "don't stop get it  getter"  is still out here on I-20 in Atlanta the gateway to the universe.

 What can I tell ya? Octoberfest is going down due to ten years on Twitter,  dropping the funk and a verse. 

...Or maybe two,  acting like I knew like that old player in the tricked out Chevy Impala over on Candler Road in Decatur!!  "diamond in the back sun roof top digging the scene with a gangster lean"  by William DeVaughn was heard..

Acting like they do? over in Decatur on another level the little homies trying to steal Virgin Remy got gaffled by Dekalb authorities; it's like that in these hostile territories!!  soon Dekalb Police raced off to another scene with blue lights flashing like K-Mart was back in business with their specials;  so what occurred?

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