Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Caught Up In The Middle Of The Action (Part Three)

We're caught up in the middle of the action per this HumpDay Extravaganza, the train of thought going off the rails like the Democratic Debate in South Carolina?

Sonic assaults unleashed? oh yes!!  we'll get it cracking!! we're rolling like MARTA trains on these rails down her in Atlanta!!

Actually rolling down I-20 in Atlanta, swerving per this Humpday Extravaganza!!  trying to get around dude in the Toyota Prius; this is No Old Town Road like Little Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus...

Caught up in the middle in the action, swerving!! soon in a quarantine when America gets hit up by the coronavirus?

Caught up in the middle in the action, swerving!! meanwhile Constantine The Great errr I mean Trump is over in India fraternizing with Modi drniking cold Coronas in the midst of the violence against Muslims..

Caught up in the middle in the action, swerving!! the scene? we're observing!! I told you earlier I can see what they're saying so we kept on praying then taking action; we kept on hustling!!

Caught up in the middle in the action, swerving!! but reality is seen kicking asses and taking names; that's even what the enemy said he was doing! 

Some had riddles, tricking the masses by faking, check the games played; soon an entity is broken by the confusion. 

Solving riddles, soon kicking knowledge that's whats up with this;  advances?  we're making in the midst of the chaos and confusion!! methods to the madness were developed. 

Getting good mileage on the mothership;  getting over it,  even though more breaking news developed. 

Caught up in the middle in the action,  getting foul with it? this breaking news from these breaking scientists will expose it

Wanna be starting something like Michael Jackson? check the style per this Humpday Extravaganza but this style is good for any day!!  O-Dog aka O-Dizzle is breaking through with the sound plus check the good word, of course O-Zone will compose it.

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