Monday, September 28, 2020

Bubble Wrapping (Part Five) The September Wrap Up

Check it out, September is coming to a close as I write this on this Monday morning!! damn!! this month has been a long two years!!

October doesn't look any better, but the storm we'll weather; now gift wrapping  September sending  to our memory banks, to the Lord we give thanks for the opportunity!! in the midst of the madness much was accomplished, overcoming irrational fears...

Don't stop get it getter? oh yes!! but now bubble wrapping September up  like it's a  Amazon, FedEx or UPS warehouse!  soon messing up this Atlanta traffic in vans and trucks? 

....soon on clearance racks!!  check the epiphanies,  the by - product of dealing with that and these  gamblers trying to make fast bucks..

Given clearance for that? these gamblers are like Florida's Governor Ron DeSantos opening Florida back up..

...ignorance of the Covid - 19 resurgence mentioned by Doctor Anthony Fauci? please!! Scott Atlas types mention herd immunity while Trump mentions herd mentality, so what's up?

September?  businesses were slick like Trump with his taxes as they  try to get back to normal after dealing with  Covid - 19 devastations but after spiritual consultations I was asked, why chase the dollar? I should be chasing the dream, that was word from the oracle!

Wrap that notion up I was told! let the hustlers hustle and the players play!! why race Usain Bolt when you're not that fast? we should know how it go!

Wrap that notion up, as you feel the pain from  hustlers and players that talk a good game as the lightning bolt strikes from the lies! the thunder booms!! the natural process from fabrications / elaborations? 

What's up with me?  moving on  wrapping September up but retro - futuristic as we continue to get breakbeat scientific!! dropping this good word and the sound check the collaborations..

What's up with me? moving on,  O-Zone was rapping and O-Dizzle bass and drum slapping as we proceed and continue

Wrapping September up and moving to October God willing!!  the game's not over /  we're not through dealing!! the good word and brand new funk is on the menu.!! were we acting brand new / acting like we knew?

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