Monday, October 05, 2020

October Surprises (Part Three)

It's going down on this Monday Morning; back in the day old dude from East Saint Louis said choose your elixir / poison and get into the action!! step up and claim your prizes!!

Are we being built or torn down  per these debatable circumstances?  of course some will act brand new with this / act like they knew this!!  but what's the reaction to these October surprises?

It's going down!! I'm laying low,  no photo ops like a Covid stricken Trump left to his own devices at Walter Reed Hospital

It's going down!!  playing like a pro but that's business as usual for O-Zone; beats bump and this good word is dropped!! we're even listening to drum and bass records from Hospital!!

...checked out the podcast, sounds blast!!  once again it's on as these Music Monday principles are followed..

Weather forecasts are given by O-Zone, Al Roker style; watching the weather map for October surprises; no mistakes allowed...

Whatever? the verdict caste by a foul joker? dude said he was heavy hitting sounding like Trump tweeting from the hospital but we found out he's just a trick because he's got it;  apparently  he was out of sync by a few degrees.

How did we work it? the attitude is blue collar but not a fool out here chasing a dollar, that's like chasing the wind my friend , written in Ecclesiastes 1:14, I kept working though but  doing the knowledge like a scholar in pursuit of degrees..

How did that work out? man please!! we can't be at ease!!  jokers are "hustle knocking it" as October surprises await us per manipulation /  alt shift deleting; that's  the devils mission.

How did we work it? we'll keep rocking it / as we proceed and continue, taking it to another level;  were on a mission!!

Reality leaves a positive or negative impression, interrupting what one is planning; GOP plans for a speedy Amy Coney Barrett confirmation in jeopardy?

October surprises interrupted? y'all know some of these jokers are corrupt with it, now that's whats up with it, some of y'all might feel me.. 

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