Sunday, May 12, 2024

Using The Vision (Part Five)

 Sunday Jazz Continues, don't get me wrong! especially as I take a moment or two to drop this good word!

The saga  / struggle continues as life goes on as the toil and strife goes on but we'll keep it moving, that's my word!

We're using the vision that the Lord blessed us with aka our purpose; bearing witness to Northern Lights earlier per the Solar Eclipse In Aries the dark sun was humming to sounds of the universe.

Even though pending matters had this brotha stressed this dark son was jamming to the melodic universe!
I'm just out here using my vision I ignored the curses from all those arrogant fanatics! Now I'm moving and grooving just trying to escape the edge, I could smell freedom it was aromatic!

Now I'm moving and grooving, blessed and highly favored per the Clark Sisters plus fueled by my mother's prayers; reminded of that fact per this Mother's Day!

Now I'm moving and grooving just using the vision dropping this good word plus Brotha O made sure the good music will play!

Now I'm moving and grooving just using the vision but winds of change will blow, soon all these structures will collapse after they decay.

Who's listening when the wind in the trees whisper? so what did it say?

Something about using the vision? actually it's time for a new day and a new way, word from Louie Vega and Caron Wheeler so what will the deal be? we were told to light that flame!

Telling naysayers to watch out for these players; success? oh yes! we came to claim!

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