Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Using The Vision (Part Seven)

 Check the calendar and the clock, y'all should already know what it is, it's the HumpDay Extravaganza!

Y'all should already know what it is, getting over the hump will be the business as we continue to use the vision, we'll broadcast live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta!

Somebody will understand a brotha putting it down like this, a nightshift wordsmith but also an O-Dog Day Partyer, and we're back but these aren't ancient love songs.

Sounds will be bumping accompanied by this good word but naysayers try to play us like Trump lawyers in the hush money trail, they said they're just frivolous arguments...

..from a trickster maybe even a wayward minister just out here  writing poems..

..with a broken smile due to dealing with the hostile; kinfolk up in Charlotte at the matriarch's homegoing service said I looked like a preacher  / minister but to my constituents I'll administer this medicine like a doctor; it's rough out here and we're in the heart of it!

Naysayers shouldn't even start it, we're still using the vision and of course it's a fresh one.

Players like us dip down the information highway with an abundance of caution like Diddy caught out there authorities will try to catch one!

We proceed and continue using the vision in search of peace; it still hadn't arrived so I guess we'll have to move on.

Peace? from here in Atlanta to the Gaza Strip plus from Ukraine to the Congo some feel the pain! peace? it's elusive, when getting our minds right it's conducive;  relief? hopefully both  peace and relief will arrive soon.

Please! Brotha O is still using the vision not trying to flip but every now and then we slip! I guess it's par for the course we're on.

Peace? missing in action, Brotha O's reaction? using the vision even making adjustments; sometimes we need to correct the course we're on.

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