Saturday, June 15, 2024

Its Time For Transition (Circulating) Part Seven

 Check us out as we come through on this Saturday morning once prime time for this blog; but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame.

Check us out while we’re out here in transition; circulating, refusing to be victimized by the latest / new and improved mind game!

Brotha O? in transition, circulating he kept on living per the advice  of the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville!  out there in the brightest days and the darkest nights.

Brotha O? a smirk on my face but actually its a smile but will I bring the brightest or the darkest insights?

...per writing poems aka dropping this good word while out here in transition; excuse a dude for being intergalactic but feeling just like a falling star in the universe.

Fighting, staying strong with supreme courage and maximum strength; clinging to the other falling stars headed towards earth! catch me saying a prayer and a curse!

Coming through acting extra with flavor like a Starburst, might set off the O-Dog Day Party or even some Afternoon Jazz!

Coming through acting extra, just in transition  / circulating plus maintaining; these Earth Wind and Fire ways of the world will make one spaz!

Digital Crate Digging Continues plus more of this good word  / poetry is dropped, not boisterous like a .Donald Trump type of carnival barker.

Brotha O is minding and tending while out here in transition  / circulating but this is also not a requiem for loneliness.

O-Dog is ruthless when weaponizing the sound but not devious like an old dog with no bite but a loud barker.

Brotha O is just an O-Dog Day curator / purveyor and nightshift wordsmith out in these zones getting loose!

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