Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Its Time For Transition (Circulating) Part Eight

 Check us out as we come through trying to get over the hump handling HumpDay Extravaganza type of business!

We're in transition  / circulating dropping this good word and sounds that bump, somebody will understand a brotha  / they'll know what the deal is!

We're broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta, some say this is yhe dark side of Aquarius; because it's now in Pluto?

Maybe / maybe not; while in transition  / circulating I see many things are exposed that were in the shadows.

I see plots / schemes exposed, who'll remain composed; resistance was met so was it per a force multiplier?

The Summer Solstice also a factor, its here along with Cancer season maybe exposing the treason per the town crier.

A funky drummer with a soul on ice like Eldridge Cleaver plus trying to school a non-beleiver? Brotha O is coming through in transition!

But Tina Turner said we didn't need another hero plus Mariah Carey said the hero lies within...; so what it do? while in transition  / circulating Brotha O has more poems; from a wannabe pundit out here running it?

Out here in transition  / circulating like a bear in the woods; out in local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers aka hoods; damn! who's running from it?

Brotha O is in transition I'm not done with it as these scattered thought bubbles burst.

Brotha O is in transition  / circulating but excuse me; due to previous episodes my damaged soul will make me pray and curse!

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