Tuesday, July 02, 2024

jazzy house session mix #3

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday edition: so called because things can go either way!

The saga  / struggle continues as we claim the terrific outcome now check the celebration as we let the music play!

Plus let us pray is also the movement per the advice of the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville, plus he told us to govern ourselves accordingly!

Plus Mr. Cole from up in the same area warned us about the grey area scenario per the rat race / dog eat dog world we're living in; told us to recognize where the border or boundary will be!

Check the sound, you know it's jamming as we come through Afternoon Jazzing / O-Dog Day Partying per this jazzy house session mix #3 courtesy of highctg! 

Check it out! we're putting it down like this! check out the playlist and the mix to see what the deal will be! 

Check this out at jazzy house session mix #3

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