Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Some Wonder What The Deal Is (Part Seven)

 We're coming through on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way, some wonder what the deal is..

..or what it's going to be; we claim the terrific outcome but knew there will be opposition; we're out here where the real is!

While some wonder what the deal is Brotha O hasn't forgotten, soon many were caught up in the system / left delusional.

From Trump cohorts with Project 2025 to the shady Federalist Society Supreme Court others were plotting / scheming; decisions made? institutional.

Brotha O? beats will bump as digital crate digging continues and this good word is dropped; I wish with all my heart I had good news to tell you.

Act like you know but some will wonder what the deal is; this isn't the last time these folks will fail you.

Plus coping strategies will fail you; the family matriarch advised us we need to be prayed up!

Wishing and hoping  / wishing it was simple want get it, taking the shot on the fast break? go in for the dunk it shouldn't be laid up!

Brotha O is putting it down like this, positive he stayed up but I see what's up with the homie; I see that blunder left him out there spiritually marooned.

Facing peril like he's dealing with Hurricane Beryl? lighting / thunder high winds? in the storm he was stranded.

Damn! wondering what the deal is seeing what the real is  now hidden guilt had him consumed.

Floated down a river of deceit instead of the mainstream of mathematics  / observing the scene  / peeping game  / doing the knowledge; look where he landed!

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