Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Truth Or Reality As We Know It (Part Three)

 Check us out as we come through on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

Claiming the terrific outcome and working towards the manifestation; finding our truth or reality as we know it, so how will we play?

Weaponized with the sword of truth in so many falsehoods some of them deliberate;  catch me shouting Hello Sun! I was tired of the profound darkness...

...that many were out here waiting in, their truth or reality as they know it; I was even on one, Brotha O aka O-Dog was out here tripping! the bite? worse than what the bark is!

Hope? due to opposition from the devil and his advocates almost decimated, also inflamed by those that hated.

Out there in a truth or reality as we knew it full of desolation? we're now replacing with inspiration! like Trump avoiding Kamala Harris in a debate negative issues are not debated.

On thin ice affected by global warming some of us skated dealing with a truth or reality as we know it!

It's a thin line between love and hate per that old school soul music song per the Persuaders, some will show it!

Some act like they know it because of their truth or reality as they know it now they'll play the Truth Game; the green ink smelled like blueberries..

..on that counterfeit money; new type gangsters with their next level dramatics wondering is it sweet cash?

Some are wondering what the deal is per all these wicked moves made in these territories!

Bask in the glory? please! per the truth or reality as they'll soon know it? there's no time, with authorities? they'll engage / clash

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