Saturday, March 12, 2022

Tripping Out / Flipping Out (Part Five)

On this Saturday morning once prime time for this blog? we’re broadcasting live from a remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta, but I-20 is also our gateway to the universe. 

We’re tripping out taking mystic voyages, local, national, international and intergalactic frontiers are explored; that’s how it works!

Some say your dude is flipping out like Vladimir Putin over in Ukraine when I put in these works, had to admit I tripped over my imagination!

The reaction was rude, the Temptations mentioned it's just my imagination but the vibe was disturbed! fires started from knocked over burning incense; chaos? the situation. Now it’s like Welcome To The Club like the track by Blue Magic! reality issued the corporate like proxy card with the lamination. 

Naysayers claimed there's no need for tripping out / flipping out chaos is business as usual in this spot where reason gave way to madness / in this nation?

The persuasion provided from the smoldering torched edges forever embedded in the mind? The public transportation / transformation aka the train of thought is still rolling but word on the curb? chaos and mayhem was an absurd way to gain knowledge! was it worth it? that notion was always on my mind.

The train of thought is still rolling but there was an unexpected derailment; I tripped over the latest obstacle in the..
..devilish kiss of darkness, out there with others waiting in the darkness that blacked out / flipped out; part of the.. ..latest plot / scheme by those tripping out, saying it’s all good, like even saying the pandemic is over / sketching nirvana.. ..that’s actually a Hollywood set out on torched edges with my constituents flipping out, hot from the fire / chaos / drama.

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