Friday, October 11, 2019

Blue Magic - Welcome To The Club

Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Flashback Friday! by now you should know how we do!!

Good word dropping and good music playing; this is serious we're not playing!! this is what it do!!

Acting like we knew!! this is serious we're not playing!! we're sticking and staying not stepping off like Shepard Smith from Fox News..

Acting like we knew!! jokers will be thrown you under the bus like Trump did the Kurds then they'll show support for Saudi Arabia by sending more troops!! this player will give a hustle knock for those views!! 

Acting like we knew!! O-Dog / O-Zone had beats that bump and these good words / scoops; it got lonely out there but we kept on running!!

Blue Magic mentioned  Welcome To The Club, check the players and the track!!  this song is in reference to lonely hearts but we're making new starts; welcome to the club per this O-Dog Day Partying; Friday Night Fever is in affect!! we've got the funky drummer drumming!!

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