Sunday, June 23, 2024

Some Wonder What The Deal Is (Part Five)

 Some are befuddled  / flustrated (flustered and frustrated) per Sunday morning reflections; they're out here wondering what the deal is!

Some huddled with their team members in a safe haven / safe harbor before reality dismembers, they'll find out what the real is!

Some wonder what the deal is! even my dude was going through it, influenced by this Full Moon in Capricorn? ill episodes left him in a state of consternation.

Seasons / reasons change, influenced by the Summer Solstice? dealing with more than a feeling of confusion and frustration!

He borrowed my runway to the universe out here on I-20 in Atlanta, blasting off! he  isolated himself from these earthlings with their ongoing malice.

Now back to earth he has to wake up; these new type gangsters with their shenanigans remind him that there's no Mamby Pamby Land or Wonderland like Alice.

The arch nemesis is on the premises jumping over the moat at the palace! some will wonder what the deal is!

Empty promises were made they say no harm  / no foul but we soon find out what the real is!

I promise you, sometimes Brotha O will wonder what the deal is; thought and fashion police? they're up to their usual skullduggery. I promise you, sometimes Brotha O will wonder what the deal is! they accused me of having illicit / elicit lyrics aka this poetry. I promise you, Brotha O is in transition / circulating but my content? usually flagged by these platforms algorithms.. this is a secret weapon; well actually it is as this breakbeat science is used to fight the system.

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