Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Carl Cox vs Yousef - I Want You (Forever) (Deadmau5 Remix)

Digital Crate Digging Continues per the Humpday Extravaganza!! understand a brotha?

If you don't know, you'll soon find out!! leading the blind out, they were waiting in the dark, vehicles in park waiting on another!!

Like Trump firing John Bolton jokers are hating on another, even though some need to "get gone"; trying to stir up trouble from Iran to North Korea to Venezuela..

..don't forget Afghanistan where the Taliban celebrated 9 /11  so what's up man? O-Zone is checking he scenario, it's hard out here for a pimp / player.

So what's up man? O-Zone is trying to roll seven or eleven in the ongoing crap game! regarding success? spoke on / put in the atmosphere  by my African brothers from Ghana and Nigeria I just spoke with; regarding success? also spoke on by  Carl Cox vs Yousef , they said I Want You (Forever) (Deadmau5 Remix)

So what's up man? we're in zone listening to this disco / techno / house music mixture, some will see the big picture as we get breakbeat scientific

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