Monday, January 06, 2020

Clearance Rack Epiphanies (Another After Holiday Sale)

Back to life / back to reality like the Caron Wheeler / Soul to Soul song.? 
The holiday season is over with; back to routines / rites and rituals, but we’re still trying to roll / stay strong.
 Euphoria didn’t stay long like the Macys / Target / Walmart  New Years and Christmas merchandise on the racks. 
…now replaced by Valentines Day merchandise;  but Amazon, Uber and Lyft drivers, plus  FedEx drivers are still out here swerving, “it ain’t nothing nice”; who’ll pay the price  when we drop these epiphanies on the clearance racks? 
Liars / politicians will take their turns while fires will burn from theAmazon to Australia; meanwhile science is dropped by  this player, so what’s the deal with these epiphanies ? just breaking news from a breakbeat scientist. 
Elusive?  analysts mention Iran’s  asymmetric warfare strategy but I see how some are rigging systems so peace is hard to find,  especially not where your mind is.

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