Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Taking Another Look At Things With A Fresh View / Fresh Vision (Part Nine)

 Check us out as we come through on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We're taking another look at things with a fresh view  / fresh vision so you know we're claiming the terrific outcome, check the advance celebration as we let the music play!

Had to admit it's hard to find our way through the smoke and mirrors plus it's a rainy day here in Atlanta; I may encounter dead bodies while out here on these frontlines...

...of spiritual warfare; last bloody breaths were taken, absolutely blowing our minds!

I was born in darkness even waited there a while and it wasn't my style but damn! this is too much!

Craving serenity, even had the propensity but am I asking for too much? 

Observing the scene  / peeping game  / doing the knowledge checking out the property  and the vicinity so the arch nemesis isn't on the premises;  taking a look at things with a fresh view  / fresh vision!

Many things were obscene  / out of pocket but we kept it moving even though we had to sacrifice we followed the advice of the old school Baptist preacher from up in Louisville and we kept living! 

Observing the scene / peeping game / doing the knowledge checking out the property  and the vicinity taking a look at things with a fresh view  / fresh vision! I was ready to roll! but I could see what some were saying plus I heard them; that white noise sounded very familiar.

Many things were obscene  / out of pocket! I always felt that vibe / heard that noise in settings that were harrowing.. ..from those that masquerade after dark fires they'll spark with a shady deal for you! We had to abandon the night even though George Benson asked for it, we proceed and continue to go for it but escape routes started narrowing!

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