Monday, September 16, 2024

Build It And They'll Come (Part Four)

On this Monday morning we  followed the directions of the Dream Merchant mentioned by New Birth and built an Elaborate Fantasy!

Built it and they'll come were the instructions now check the construction somebody will understand me!

And we're back as digital crate digging continues on a Music Monday or whenever plus we're writing these poems / this good word showing no reticence. 

Not a pundit / expert / critic but while peeping game  / doing the knowledge I can see there's no benevolence.

Mathematics done so I build it so they'll come but  it has to be a Sure Thing like Saint Germain so I won't make an assumption.

Fanatics knocked the hustle; now checking the clock as I race against time showing gumption...

...aka supreme courage and maximum strength ready to go the length on the premise that if I build it they'll come!

The team will use the tools of the trade to rebuke the ongoing charade, usually  the loose leaf,  a blue ink pen plus the drum.

Once again its on, check this construction site as we build it hoping they'll come but reflecting / doing the math; it was also a time to remember.

Victories and defeats due to the corruption that "ain't right"; that club? unfortunately Brotha O is a card carrying member!

Good and bad moments remembered as Brotha O remembered the time like Michael Jackson but there's no fixation..

..with the past; your dude is acting brand new building it so they'll come not lurking behind in these and those situations.

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