Monday, July 20, 2020

Kruder and Dorfmeister – Shakatakadoodub

Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Music Monday but I’m having aftershocks from the weekend…
Still in a Sunday jazz frame of mind, caught up in the game still going for mind after doing the math; the counter argument was a weak one..
Some are spazzing, arguing that the future is a bleak one with Covid 19 and systemic racism still on the horizon, plus boots were on the ground in Portland and coming to your town /  city..
Afternoon Jazzing? it might be a strategy for me to get my mind right!! good music playing as a dude reboots!! it’s rough out here, everybody has a story to tell so I can’t expect your pity..
Usually an O-Dog Day Party is underway but we’re playing it another way; listening to Kruder and Dorfmeister laying down a smooth track called Shakatakadoodub!!
A reggae / dub/ electro – jazz piece!! bringing about inner peace?  soon back on track / soon we’ll holla back!! thats what’s up!!

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