Saturday, May 18, 2024

Defected Radio Show Hosted by Sam Divine - 17.05.24

 Digital Crate Digging Continues check us out as we come through per this Saturday Night Fever doing what we do, putting it down like this!

The saga  / struggle continues but we respond with the good word and funky is how the sound is!

You know Brotha O is observing the scene  / peeping game  / doing the knowledge; he visualized the sequence like he had a quizzing glass.

While peeping game he spotted the cabal an unholy trinity / trio or a quartet showed no class.

Hope you're not sleeping in the game, they're hostile! there's no grace or mercy granted.

A continuum! it seems to be historic not a new one, like up in Spartanburg South Carolina off of I-85 when on the way to Charlotte where confederates still fly the confederate flag proudly still taking us for granted.

Not acting brand new with them per my Louisville / Newburg default settings still partying in the midst of the madness per this Defected Radio Show Hosted by Sam Divine - 17.05.24

Check out the playlist and the mix, we're O-Dog Day Partying / Saturday Night Fevering to this! this is what's u[, check the score!

Check this out at Defected Radio Show Hosted by Sam Divine - 17.05.24

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