Friday, April 05, 2024

Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 05.04.24

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party, this is the Fabulous Friday edition but the science dropped is appropriate for any time period.

The saga  / struggle continues as we reflect on past episodes per this Flashback Friday, per the Clark Sisters? reminded that were blessed and highly favored... celebrating life with funk flavored sounds; staying on point though per the Temptations we're standing on shakey grounds per the arch nemesis being on the premises; they arrived without warning straight from the matrix...

...following instructions from the architect? they arrived early this morning "buking and scorning"  but we won't take it!

We're wise to the whole set up  / corruptions so we kept are guard up anything can happen.

We're wise to the whole set up! if things get hard? we'll make a break for it, we won't be trapped in.

So what's up? we're O-Dog Day Partying per this Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 05.04.24!

So what's up? check out the playlist and the mix as we proceed and continue to get breakbeat scientific; check the score!

Check this out at Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 05.04.24

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