Sunday, February 02, 2025


 Sunday Jazz Continues check us out as we come through using the music to get our minds right!

The saga  / struggle continues but of course you know Brotha O will bring this good word  / insight... shed light; of course Brotha O is authentic when he kicks it  there's no faking the funk like Main Source mentioned...

Tickets please! or maybe dinner is served, your dude is four five sixing it after peeping game  / doing the knowledge  / paying attention!

Now good music is playing as we come through with this JAZZ HOUSE MIX SESSION #28 courtesy of Maxim A!

Check us out y'all, even the clock shows we've shifted into Sunday evening we're still Sunday Jazzing / O-Dog Day Partying simultaneously! check the playlist and the mix as we let the music play!

Check this out at JAZZ HOUSE MIX SESSION #28

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