Saturday, February 01, 2025

Four Five Sixing It / Ten Steps Ahead (Part Eight)

 Check us out as we come through on this Saturday morning but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame!

The saga  / struggle continues as we do the knowledge / four five sixing it;  staying ten steps ahead;  we kept it moving even though we had to sacrifice knowing that it's all game..

..and they keep changing the rules like Trump tariffs /  executive orders  / wannabe king's decrees; auras were windswept after the winds of change blow.

Per four five sixing it?  we could see personas were cold polar vortex style! like a North Pole climate change / global warming affected ice flow?

Some claim due to California wildfires and the above mentioned polar vortex nature was on a seek and destroy mission.

Others? they claim  the Michael Jackson type of human nature was the fuel; so how are we living?

Four five sixing the action seeing what's up  / what it do; you better pay attention or be left behind! 

Shadetree mechanics fixing things is a no no! they don't know anything about the grind!

Don't play with me!  mathematics are dropped per four five sixing it! Brotha O is putting work in but jokers couldn't see him through the window of his remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta  but he's in control..

..of the blue ink pen;  out of control when this good word is dropped? just an O-Dog Day Partyer / nightshift wordsmith on a roll..

..after four five sixing it / dropping sounds and words that'll spin the soul;  sonorous..

..with an apposition or two; on a mission acting like we knew but  naysayers throw shade they said don't bore us.

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