Saturday, March 22, 2025

DJ Steve Adams Presents... Robo's Mix Vol. Four

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we hit the ground running on this Saturday!

The saga  / struggle continues we've got the funky drummer drumming O-Dog Day Partying as we let the music play!

Earlier? Friday Night Fevering, but messages were received overnight;  "I don't have much time listen carefully" I was told.

A nightshift wordsmith awakened in the middle of a night that's cold.. a mirror to my soul; my reflection told me to be ars poetica. Now I'm back with that good word plus this sound; authentic when we kick it like real weed not mixed with oregano / parsley / paprika... jokers trying to pull a caper Brotha O is not a funk faker dropping this DJ Steve Adams Presents... Robo's Mix Vol. Four!

Check us out! dropped Vol. Five earlier, still out here four five sixing it / work to do! check out the playlist and the mix, check the score!

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